On 4-6 May 2023, the conference Decadence in Estonian culture: translation and interpretation, jointly organised by the Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallinn University and the Estonian Academy of Arts, will take place. Altogether, about fifty presenters will analyse the concept of decadence in various areas of culture and arts in different periods. The keynote speakers will be Tiina Abel (Solving the psychological encumberment: Erich von Kügelgen, Kristjan Raud, Eduard Wiiralt), Marja Lahelma (The good, the bad, and the ugly – approaching Decadence in the context of Finnish art history), Kerri Kotta (Hesitation, disorders and powerlessness: Decadence and its overcoming in symphonic works by Tobias, Eller and Tubin), Daniele Monticelli (Translating the decadence: Gabriele D’Annunzio in Estonian culture (1905-1915)) and Jaan Undusk (About the epistemological importance of the decadence). The programme of the conference is here and the theses are here.