The opening seminar of the project discusses the entanglements between life and art

Emergence of a Civilised Nation:
Decadence and Transitionality in 1905–1940
The opening seminar of the project takes place on the 5th of February 2022 in the hall of Estonian Academy of Sciences
Mirjam Hinrikus Introduction to the Project
Merlin Kirikal Decadent Collaborations. Johannes Semper (1892–1970) and Ado Vabbe (1892–1961)
Lola Annabel Kass Eduard Wiiralt’s (1898–1954) fleurs du Mal
Viola Parente-Čapková L. Onerva (1882–1972), Decadence and spiritual seekership
Riikka Rossi Spirituality and emotions in F. E. Sillanpää’s (1888–1964) rural Decadence
Musical interludes
Borderline, peformed by Tara Salerno, Casey Cronyn, Tara Daszek-Green, Josh Wolfsohn Mathew Lomas, Kirke Gross (Goldsmiths College, University of London)
Nigel Wood Swanky, Elegy, Virtual Velocity, performed by Krista Citra Jonas and Uku Gross (saxophones)
Improvisation on Charles Baudelaire’s Une Charogne (A Carcass, 1857) performed by Kirke Gross (cello)
Henri Tomasi Danse Agreste, performed by Uku Gross (oboe) and Tiiu Jürna (piano)
Paul Bonneau suite for alto saxophone and piano Improvisation and Danse des Demon, performed by Uku Gross (saxophone) and Tiiu Jürna (paino)
Recording of the opening seminar. The first three presentations – by M. Hinrikus, M. Kirikal and L. A. Kass – are in Estonian (see program). The papers given by V. Parente-Čapková and R. Rossi (from 1:09:30 in the recording) are in English.