In 26–28.08.2024, the workshop Fin de siècle decadence as transitionality and nationalism: Estonian and Finnish case-studies was held at Käsmu writers´ residence. Philosophers, literary and art scholars discussed various texts on the topics of decadence, race, nationalism and Nietzsche.


11.00 opening
11.15–12.15 Mirjam Hinrikus, The interweaving of the topics of mats and vurle in the work of A. H. Tammsaare
12.15–13.15 Riikka Rossi, Spiritual naturalism and nation: some examples of F. E. Sillanpää’s and A. H. Tammsaare’s work
13.30–15.00 lunch
15.00–16.00 Viola Capkova, ”Race”, nation and gender in L. Onerva’s work
16.00–17.00 Antti Ahmala, Nietzscheanism and the Nation in Finnish literature of the fin de siècle
coffee break
17.20–18.20 Margus Vihalem, Did Hippolyte Taine’s philosophy of art bear influence on Friedrich Nietzsche´s aesthetics. Reading material: Taine “The Philosophy of Art” Ch 2 On the production of the work of art, sections I-III
18.20–19.20 Piret Peiker, Race, culture and nation in Johannes Aavik´s theories of Estonian
language renewal
19.20 symposium

9.00–10.00 breakfast
10-00–11.00 Hent Kalmo, Aesthetic Incursions: Youth as a Political Idea in the Age of Revolutions
11.00–12.00 Mikko Välimäki, Images of Race in Finnish Fin de Siècle Visual Art – Examining the Intertwining of Race, Nationalism, and the Valuation of Communities
12.00–13.00 Leo Luks, Johannes Aavik’s thesis of degeneration of estonian nation: the Idea, its
implications and nietzschean parallels. Reading material for estonian speakers: Aavik, Üks meie
kulturalise nõrkuse põjustest: vastupidine selektsion
13.30–15.00 lunch
15.00–16.00 Aare Pilv, Aestheticist Visnapuu and his “creative nationalism”
16.00–17.00 Tiina Abel, Primitivism, kunstiline modernsus ja dekadents. Kristjan Raua juhtum
coffee break
17.20–18.20 Hasso Krull, Iha ja igatsus – taimeks saamise modaalsusi eesti luules
18.30 symposium

Breakfast and departure