Workshop on the affects of decadence, 28-30 June 2023

On 28-30 June 2023, the workshop Affects of decadence was held at Käsmu creative residence. Philosophers and literary scholars discussed various texts on the topics of affect theory, affects in the works of Nietzsche, Bergson and Deleuze, and the role of affects in artistic and literary creativity.
12.00–12.15 töötoa avamine
12.15–13.15 Epp Annus: Affect Theory Reader, 1–28
13.15–14.15 Jaanus Sooväli: Menninghaus, Disgust, 147–182
16.00–17.00 Leo Luks: Creasly, The Problem of Affective Nihililism in Nietzsche, 63–86
17.00–18.00 Hasso Krull, Jüri Lipping: Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy, 39–72
18.20–19.20 Eduard Parhomenko: Scheler, Das Ressentiment im Aufbau der Moralen, 3–33
alates 19.20 sümpoosion
9.00–10.00 hommikusöök
10.00–11.00 Margus Vihalem: Gregory Moore, Art and Evolution: Nietzsches Physiological Aesthetics
11.00–12.00 Margus Ott: H. Bergson, Aine ja mälu, 15–34, 49–61
12.20–13.20 Heidy Meriste: Bell, Hard Feelings. The moral psychology of contempt, 25–58
13.20–14.20 Kirke Kangro, Hasso Krull: J. Saarinen, Affect in Artistic Creativity. Painting to Feel, 121–139
16.00–17.00 Eret Talviste: J. Bennet, influx & efflux, 61–72
17.00–18.00 M. Hinrikus; M. Kirikal: Pirjo Lyytikäinen, Passions Against the Grain. Decadent Emotions in Finnish Wilderness
18.00–19.00 Aare Pilv: Richard Cole, Fear and Precarious Life after Political Representation in Baudelaire
alates 19.00 ümarlaud, kokkuvõtete tegemine, õhku jäänud küsimuste arutelu, tulevikuplaanid – mis kasvab sujuvalt üle sümpoosioniks
30.06.2023 kokku lepitud ajal hommikusöök, seejärel kojusõit